PBS Newshour on Nepal’s cultural heritage

On June 1st, 2016, PBS Newshour’s Culture at Risk series focused on Nepal’s culture heritage and repairs in the aftermath of the 2015 earthquake.

Special corresponded Fred de Sam Lazaro interviewed Christian Manhart, UNESCO and Rohit Ranjitkar, Kathmandu Valley Preservation Trust, and Shukra Sagar Shresta, Archaeologist.


Below a thought provoking quote from the interview, which also includes wonderful video from Patan and ongoing work:

“FRED DE SAM LAZARO: Rohit Ranjitkar is with a nonprofit organization called the Kathmandu Valley Preservation Trust. He says, for most Nepalis, these historic sites are first and foremost places of active worship.

ROHIT RANJITKAR: Basically, they have the attachment with the God and the place with the religious activities, not with the architecture. You know, for them, the temple will be rebuilt or not rebuilt. It does not make any difference.”


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