
Susanne Gänsicke is Senior Conservator and Head of Antiquities Conservation at the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles.  She was previously employed as Conservator of Objects at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, has worked on excavations in Egypt and Sudan, and as consultant to the Conservation Field School Luxor/ American Research Center Egypt.

Her research interests include examination of Egyptian and Nubian material culture, issues of site preservation, and, foremost, the study of ancient and historic metalwork.  In addition to the examination of metal artifacts in the museum setting, she has collaborated with craftsmen of rare specializations in different parts of the world.

She is a 2015 recipient of an Individual Grant by the Asian Cultural Council, NY, Asian Cultural Council.  The funding allows her current research into the preservation of metalwork in the Kathmandu Valley.  Sincere thanks are due to the many individuals who have been offering their time and expertise to the project!

My deepest appreciation to Nutandhar Sharma, who has served as my research assistant, guide, and friend during weeks of explorations!

All views and potential errors expressed here are the author’s  own.



One thought on “About

  1. Liebe Susanne Gänsicke, ich bin Franziska Heimann, wir sind vor 30Jahren durch Ägypten und den Sudan gereist mit zwei Andreassen. Bestimmt erinnerst Du Dich/ Sie sich? Ich bin kürzlich zufällig auf Archäologische Berichte über den Sudan gestossen und habe dann, an unsere Reise denkend, nach Dir / Ihnen recherchiert und bin fündig geworden. Ich würde mich über eine Antwort und einen Kontakt sehr freuen. Viele Grüße sendet Franziska Heimann

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